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Save the dateMarch 17, 202112:30 PM - 1:15 PM (EDT)
Contact Person: Sandbox Centre
Event Details
Event Details

Picture this: you're an entrepreneur or start-up business with a great idea, product, or service. You have worked hard on developing what you are passionate about and expecting success with your business growth. In a split second, your success and growth are put to a halt and all you have worked for is exploited. Are you protected?

York University's Intellectual Property Law & Technology Program – IP Innovation Clinic, in partnership with Sandbox Centre, invites you to join a 5-Part Series: The IP Lunch Club! Every Wednesday during the month of March IP Osgoode & SBX will be offering free virtual info sessions across a wide range of topics that will aid you in making sure your biz, idea, or product is properly protected. Thank you to our presenting sponsor of this series: Barriston Law. Barriston will be joining to offer some local insights on how they are supporting the business community with IP protection and commercialization. 

Are you looking to take your idea or product to different markets? Globally? Where and how the heck do you start this process? It may seem daunting, but in Part 3 of 5 of the IP Lunch Club Series, the IP Osgoode team has your back to find out the basics of patent law.

In this presentation discover the roadmap for filing a patent, and the highlighted differences between patent regimes in Canada and the United States. Did you know many patent applications in Canada are filed by Americans? Understanding the differences between Canadian and US patent applications is important because of the interdependence of the Canadian and US markets. Learn more by registering today.

Protecting the ideas and creations of artists, inventors, and business owners allows businesses to grow, and encourages innovation. Register now!

When: Wednesday March 17, 2021 - 12:30pm to 1:15pm

Where: Virtual! Free session

Who should join? New business owners, entrepreneurs, start-ups, innovators, and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge on protecting innovation and intellectual property!

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Sponsors and Partners

The Ip Lunch Club Ticket


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